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Image by Brigitte Tohm

 Happy and  Healthy Life Is Within Reach

Coaching with Adena Maestre


Meet Adena

Certified Life and Health Coach


I am a personal and professional development coach with certifications in both Life Coaching and Health Coaching. I believe in coaching the whole person and that health and happiness are the foundation on which you can build your best life. When we connect to our true selves and align our actions with our values there is no limit to what we can achieve for ourselves, our career, or our family. This is living on purpose with joy and balance.   


Adena Maestre life coach

What I Specialize In

Understand and Align with Core Values

Break Free from Limiting Beliefs

Set Boundaries

Create Balance

Cultivate Joy and Passion

Gain Clarity and Set Goals

Find Purpose and Live with Intention

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Stress Management

Focus on Self-Care

"BeYourself; Everyone Else is Already Taken" - Oscar Wilde

“Working with Adena allowed me to gain a stronger sense of self and resilience during a difficult life transition. Through coaching, I was able to understand my core values, strengths, and inner criticisms, which empowered me to make better decisions that align with my overall goals. Adena is committed to your success, demonstrated by her ability to thoughtfully listen and guide you on your journey to self-discovery.”

- Planning Analyst, Sprouts Farmers Market

"Working with Adena has been an absolute game changer. I came to her as a recommendation from a friend when I was in a state of deep confusion with my career, relationships, money, and life in general. Adena is an attentive listener and asks questions that allow you dive deeper about what blockages and limits you may be putting on yourself. She has a wide range of resources at her disposal that aid you in your growth.  She has allowed me to harness the intentions of my true self and help me develop action steps which are in alignment of who I want to be and what I want to accomplish. I recommend her to anybody who wants to make changes in their life. I'm grateful for Adena."

- Salu Smith, Manufacturing Engineer

"After working with Adena I find myself in a place that I’ve wanted to be for quite some time - a better version of my former, healthy self. As a mom in my late 40’s I felt as though I was on a hamster wheel tackling each day as it came tending to everyone else’s needs, without a real plan or focus on myself. Adena’s support, knowledge and encouragement has helped me step off of that hamster wheel and focus on myself while still being able to tend to others in my life.  I highly recommend Adena as a Health and Life coach."

-Stephanie B.,
Mom and Naturalist Photographer

"Thank you, Adena, for this remarkable and magnificent coaching. You evoked transformation. For the first time in twenty years, I feel peaceful."

- Laurie W. 

“Working with Adena has enhanced my life in so many ways! Partnering with her I have developed the skills needed for self-compassion which has allowed me to get more joy out of my relationships (family, friends, and career).”

- Sr. Systems Specialist, Genentech

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Coaching Empowers You to Design and Build a Soul Fulfilling and Purposeful Life

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