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Believing in yourself and in your abilities is essential to make things happen for you and to be great in life.

Life Coaching

Life coaching is working in partnership with an individual to help them reach their potential across all facets of life. It is a provocative, interactive, co-creative process that is all about you and stepping into the life you want. 


Just as a sports coach helps sports players on the technical and psychological aspects of their performance, a life coach works with clients to help them make improvements in their lives and move out of their stuck states.


During our coaching sessions, you will work toward personal and professional goals with greater clarity, focus and momentum.   We will identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle.  You will leverage your strengths and learn new skills to achieve long-lasting change.


Signs a life coach would be helpful are:​

  • High levels of stress and/or anxiety

  • Inability to break bad habits

  • Lack of fulfillment

  • Persistent feeling of dissatisfaction at home or work

  • Sense of blocked creativity


In working together, you will bridge the gap between your current circumstances and the life you truly want to live. Benefits of working with me:

  • Better work/life balance

  • Identify and align with values

  • Find purpose and live with intention

  • Break free from limiting beliefs and anxieties

  • Stronger confidence

  • Time management and organizational skills

  • More fulfillment in personal and/or work life

  • Meaningful relationships with friends and family

Life is your creation
turn lemons into lemonade

Health Coaching

Health coaching is the use of evidence-based discussions and a co-creative process that is all about supporting you to take charge of your health and make profound changes that lead to a better quality of life.  Coaching meets you where you are and enables you to make behavioral and lifestyle changes to achieve your health and wellness objectives.


I believe that true health is more than nutrition and movement (although those are very important) but it also considers the whole person.  You can eat all the broccoli and kale but still be unhealthy. Through coaching we will look at all aspects of your health. 


During our coaching sessions you will set and work toward health and wellness goals.  Working together you will understand your “what” and “why” and uncover/remove existing barriers so that you can achieve success and maintain healthy habits. I will provide accountability and help you navigate the complexities and find the best bio individual approach to your health and wellness objectives.


Signs a health coach would be helpful are:


  • Want to improve your health but don’t know how

  • Difficulty following through with goals

  • Want to develop healthy habits

  • High levels of stress

  • Not sleeping well

  • Want to lose weight


In working together, we may address nutrition, stress management, fitness, weight, managing a chronic illness, or other health-related goals. Benefits of working with me:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Weight loss

  • Feel great in your body

  • Healthy habits

  • Stress reduction

  • Improved quality of life

  • Overall improved health

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